
  • Project STIC-AMSUD cdigo 17-STIC-05 (2017-2018)
    Title: PaDMetBio: Parallel and Distributed Metaheuritics for Structural Bioinformatics
  • Project: DICYT-USACH (2016-2018) Investigador Principal.
    Title: Metaheurísticas robustas para enfrentar problemas de optimización multiobjetivos en bioinformática
  • Project CEBIB Centre for biotechnology and bioengineering, Young Associate Resesarcher
    Fondo Basal, 2013, CONICYT.
  • Project: STIC-AMSUD 13STIC-09 (2013-2014)
    Title: Federated Cloud Computing for Bioinformatics: Infrastructure, Algorithms and Applications.
  • Project: FONDECYT INICIACION 11121288 (2012-2015)
    Title: Designing and constructing a scalable pipeline of graph-based methods for the analysis of gene expression data.
  • Project: DICYT-USACH (2009-2010)
    Title: Uso de algoritmos de grafos, optimización combinatorial y bases de datos biológicas para el análisis de datos de expresión genética.

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